Objectives and Responsibilities of Regional Water Company of Sistan and Baluchestan

The company’s objectives are: locating, studying, development, protection and effective utilization of water resources, generating hydro-electric energy, to construct, develop, utilize and maintain water facilities (Except facilities and structures related to water and sewerage department), structures and hydro-electric in the framework of duties stipulated in the laws and regulations of ministry of Energy’s politics. Toward this goal the company is authorized following actions with observance of laws and regulation related to its scope of action.

- Studying for locating, development and utilization of water resources.

- Preparation and execution of designs and projects of water suppling and transferring water for different parts of consumption, irrigation networks and drainage, water supplement of cities and industry, stability and security of dams, engineering of rivers and beaches, flood control and artificial nourishment.

- Utilization and maintenance of facilities and structures of water supply, transferring obtained or granted water.

- Utilization of water resources in framework of policies, ground rules and approved programs of energy ministry.

- Execution of programs, regulations and commands that energy ministry law enforces towards fair distribution of water and other rules about irrigation among fundamental studies and quantity and quality protection and supervision of water resources utilization referring as broker.

- Energy ministry broking in allocation of water needed in different parts of consumption.

- Performing researches needed about water resources and water facilities. Appling new scientific and technical methods toward effective utilization.

- Share a subscription to applicants based on related tariffs in the framework of related laws and regulations.

- Delivery of needed water to subscribers in different parts of consumption and based on approved tariffs related legal authorities.

- Purchase of services from non-governmental sector for study affaires, executive, utilization and maintenance of water facilities and water structures and customer services in order to reduce the costs, increase in utilization and upgrade service level.

- Attracting people’s participation and non-governmental sectors in running water resources development plans, irrigation networks, drainage, water supplement to the cities and industries, engineering rivers and beaches, artificial nourishment and utilization and maintenance of facilities and water structures.




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  • P.O Box : +98-7916795639
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